Stack overflow homework

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    It is okay to ask about homework. For one, it would be impossible to stop it all
    even if we wanted to. Stack Overflow exists to help programmers …First off, no one is being "robbed" of a learning opportunity. The bargain they're
    making may be somewhat Faustian, but… They're making it willingly.I spend a lot of time on other programming forums and it seems most people
    agree with the policy "no homework solutions; nudges welcome".Should I prepare new homework exercises each year, 20% of the final grade is …
    I created a new account and posted a question on Math Stack Exchange …It is September once again (today is the 8755<sup>thIf the asker claims the question is not homework ("it was on a past exam," "I am …
    I believe that what we're doing now is more like (in StackOverflow terms) …Mathematics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people studying
    math at …. If you are referring in part to questions that come out of homework,
    then again I'll … Remaining transparent about what is homework and
    encouraging a …You can ask homework questions on Stack Overflow, there is no restrictions but
    there are some rules about them. From How do I ask and answer homework …Mar 24, 2017 The Hidden Power of Stack Overflow: How a Website You've Never Heard …. to
    get the homework out of the way rather than understanding it.”.Sep 26, 2016 “The decline of Stackoverflow” is now trending on reddit, and I started … are I
    believe edge cases (and one is a possible “homework question”).Sep 30, 2016 StackOverflow and the whole StackExchange are megacool! – some … in Polish,
    or a copy of a homework, or just not precise enough question.Feb 15, 2017 Since Stack Overflow was founded, we've described it as “a question … Each
    Stack Overflow question comes with one or more tags describing the ….. If the
    question is “Here's the homework problem I have, and here's my code …For example, if you use that 10 lines of StackOverflow code in your homework
    which is a 500-line Personal To-Do Management program, I wouldn't consider it …How you deal with homework on an ethical level is up to you… But as far as the
    system goes, we only care that it's an answerable question and not an …The thing with home work question is that most of the time they have been
    answered before. To me … the 1st one is already marked a dupe so it will be
    gone …Jul 7, 2016 Here it iss: …… I
    got to about 100 reputation on Stack Overflow by asking a fairly …Stack Overflow is for questions about programming. ….. If you suspect you have
    been passed a homework question, but can't solve it anyway, try asking in a user
     …Feb 21, 2017 You saw an instance of this with Homework 1 — the airline flight network is …
    Many of you have probably ended up at Stack Overflow when …Feb 22, 2016 Now, I'd say nothing rubs the StackOverflow folks the wrong way more than
    identifying a “do my homework for me” question. Some get really …Jan 17, 2017 Google's BigQuery dataset now includes Stack Overflow data dump, … 35
    categories of Stack Overflow comments …. “Is this homework?

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