How to write a first blog post

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    Jul 24, 2018 You can get support from comments, social shares, thank you emails and traffic.
    You just need a manual on how to write your first blog post:.Nov 29, 2017 So after you've set up your blog, you'll need to start writing posts. Your first blog
    post will serve as the primary basis of your blogging business.Aug 29, 2017 Whether you're writing your first ever post, or just your first post for a specific blog/
    company, there's a lot of pressure to get it just right. But have …Jan 31, 2018 Writing your first blog post is scary! Maybe you don't know what to write? Or
    perhaps you don't know how to organize your ideas? Or you can't …Now, when the time comes to log your first blog entry, make it a good one. Here
    are some tips you need to follow if you want to learn how to write a blog entry.Try one of these 10 clever methods to open your next blog post with a bang. … “
    The most important sentence in any article is the first one. … Also, if you have a
    history of writing posts that are all business, you may want to ease into a post that
     …May 25, 2017 Getting started with your first blog post can be scary! Here are some basic steps
    and recommendations for writing a kick booty first blog post.Writing your first blog post can be a daunting task if you don't know where to start.
    The good news is that it doesn't have to be difficult, all you need are a few …We'll give you a sure-fire way to come up with your first subject so that you can
    stop procrastinating and actually write your first blog post. Lock yourself in a room
    .Nov 21, 2015 After 20 years of blogging and 35+ years in traditional publishing, I give you three
    pieces of advice from the dawn of blogging:— 1. 'Hello World!' post This “Hello …Nov 6, 2015 So you've chosen a topic, purchased your catchy domain name, and set up a
    gorgeous template. Learn how to make your first blog post …The best thing about your blog is the big EDIT button. No matter what you write,
    you can go change it/fix it later. So stop agonizing over your first blog post and …Trust me, writing your first blog post can be scary. Day one at Marketo, I was
    informed that one of my projects as a Social Media & PR intern would be writing
    for …Feb 12, 2015 Writing your first blog post is intimidating for a lot of business owners. It's normal
    to be a little nervous, but blogging is easier than you think!Apr 4, 2013 Sometimes, I used to write a blog each week, while other times I would write five
    blog posts a week. It wasn't until June 2009 that I realized that …Jun 5, 2017 Do you have a 'Welcome Readers' article on your blog? It's ideally the first article
    or post you write on your business blog. I consider the …Feb 9, 2017 One of the best things about the internet is that it
    gives anybody a voice! But how does one get started? Simple: …Jun 1, 2009 Recently a friend asked me a question that any business that begins blogging
    will have to answer; What should your first post be about?When you first start a blog, you should have a list of blog post ideas. If you don't
    already, now's the time to get started. There are several ways to go about writing
     …Jul 14, 2018 Getting started with WordPress can be really overwhelming at first, but we've
    broken down these steps of how to write a blog post in WordPress …

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