How to write a book release

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    Learn how to write a book press release that gets printed by big news agencies
    and increases your book sales. Get our free book press release template here.How to really write a press release (that actually sells books), plus some free PR
    templates. This article is older, make sure you read this new one about a more …Jun 23, 2013 Authors, a Book Press Release Template is the easiest way to learn how to write
    a great press release. Download our free example template …A press release is an effective way to capture the attention of the media and other
    organizations that may have a particular interest in your book IF…Dec 8, 2016 I have been wildly drafting away on the second book in my ongoing fantasy
    series lately. Although I spent a good portion of this year creating a …Let's be honest, nobody sets out to write a bland book, so why would you want a
    lukewarm book launch? In order to achieve that best-seller status you'll need to …Nov 20, 2015 Learn in our blog how to write a press release for a book. For authors, high
    quality news distribution is an efficient way to promote a new book.Nov 10, 2017 Buy a special memento or write a congratulatory letter to yourself. … Don't wait
    until a month before your book's release to start thinking about …Jun 22, 2013 Bronwyn Holmes, co-founder of Standout Books, shares six top tips for writing a
    more powerful press release that will make the press notice …Aug 19, 2015 For authors seeking that elusive “best-seller” status, self-promotion can be your
    best tool for driving laser sharp traffic and increasing book sales …Mar 16, 2011 One of the key components of your effort to let people know about a new book
    being published is the press release, or media release.Book launches can be frustrating. You dedicate a few weeks—even months—to
    writing the book. Then you spend a week or so promoting it. Finally, when the …Feb 14, 2017 Advance book marketing is important to establish or build an audience that will
    come to the book during its launch, help create sales momentum. … If you're in
    the process of writing a book, you should already be thinking …Dec 15, 2014 Read several sample press releases before writing yours so you … At the footer
    of the release, include a brief overview about your book and …Nationally bestselling authors might see two books a year – one hardcover
    original … As a side benefit, a unifying concept allows an author to write more
    rapidly, …Mar 9, 2017 Whether you're writing a press release for a product launch, an event, a book
    release, or something else, these are the steps you need to take …Write a Great Press Release: A Guide to Creating a Press Release that will be …
    and understand about writing great press releases can be found in this book.Jan 17, 2011 I only write about a small fraction of the releases that pop up in my inbox. So how
    do you get a journalist to write about your book? Keep in mind …Mar 21, 2012 The point of writing it is to send it out to the media to entice them to write a story
    about you and your book. But where exactly should you send it?Sep 6, 2017 Write a concise, snappy elevator pitch that shows what the book is about, what
    kind … Make sure your book gets a BookBub New Release Alert.

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