Colchicine use in plants

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    Colchicine is a toxic chemical that is often used to induce polyploidy in plants.
    Basically, the colchicine prevents the microtubule formation during cell division, …A small quantity of colchicine can be used to treat a large number of plants,
    seeds, or other types of material, if applied without undue waste. Where a dipping
     …Jun 14, 2017 The specificities of the colchicine-treated plants may also be caused by … While
    synthetic polyploids have long been used for plant breeding …We chose to use colchicine as a genome doubling agent in preference to the less
    … For stability confirmation, we established diploid and tetraploid plants in a …Full-Text Paper (PDF): Role of colchicine and plant growth regulators to … cum
    autumnale L., is probably the most widely used chemical for induction of poly-.Colchicine is a medication most commonly used to treat gout. It is a toxic …..
    When used to induce polyploidy in plants, colchicine cream is usually applied to
    a growth point of the plant, such as an apical tip, shoot, …Hence, treatment of animals with colchicine is commonly used to promote the …
    used as a male parent in crossing with F. esculentum, but all hybrid plants …The use of the chemical colchicine as a means of chromosome doubling has
    opened a large reservoir of possibilities in plant breed- ing work. The fact that any
     …plants had been treated with the lowest colchicine concentrations except …..
    applications of the same kind of colchicine agar as that used in Petunia. What is
    the …Abstract. THE action of colchicine on plant nuclei has been studied in stamen
    hairs of … To obtain permission to re-use content from this article visit RightsLink.Oryzalin is, in many cases, more effective than Colchicine, its safer to use and it's
    not as hard on the plants as Colchicine. You still should wear …Polyploid induction has in the past produced plants that are more compact and
    have … Colchicine has been effectively used in the concentration range 0.25 μm
     …Tetraploid plants often revert back to the diploid condition, making it difficult to …
    Colchicine is sold by laboratory supply houses, and breeders have used it to …Colchicine treatment of plants is relatively easy, since it is soluble in water at the
    rate of 1 … Kehr (1971) used several characteristics to determine ploidy level in …Dec 12, 2016 Colchicine is used for gout treatment and over ingesting it can actually kill you, so
    you don't want to be smoking the 1st generation of plants, just …reported by other investigators, and of plant cells to colchicine, on the as-
    sumption … chamber. For this test three inoculated plants were used, one as a
    control.The method used for colchicine treatment was “cotton swab method”. … The
    species of Chrysanthemum are herbaceous perennial plants growing to 100-150
    cm …Polyploids were effectively pre-selected in colchicine-treated plants of the … The
    green-leaved cultivar Gizela F1 was used for comparison of quantity and quality.The effects of different concentrations of colchicine on shoot and root …
    Chromosomal doubling is a common technique which is used in plant
    hybridization.Aug 19, 2009 Out of many applicable methods, the application of colchicine to double …..
    Relevant researches making use of these tetraploid plants, such as …

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