There are no specific recommendations against drinking alcohol while you take Imuran. However, that doesn’t mean that this combination will not have an effect on your body, especially if you drink more than two drinks per day. If you’re considering drinking alcohol while you take Imuran, talk to your doctor first.Can you drink alcohol with azathioprine – Can u take azathioprine and drink alcohol? Below. Drinking alcohol while taking azathioprine can harm your liver. It is best to limit or avoid alcohol all together.Hello alleyhicks. While taking imuran, I’d avoid alcohol altogther its not recommened. If you do decide to drink any alcohol I suggest you talk to your doctor first. Better to be on the side of safety. best to you,There may be a negative interaction between Imuran and alcohol. 158 Reviews about the risks, side effects and symptoms for taking Imuran while drinking alcohol.You should only drink alcohol and azathioprine in small amounts, because alcohol and azathioprine can both affect your liver.I didn’t ask my doctor when I was prescribed it, but is it ok to drink (in moderation of course) while on Imuran/azathioprine? I ask mostly because I know it can have …Women should avoid becoming pregnant while taking azathioprine and should … Can alcohol be drunk with azathioprine? … If you are taking azathioprine and have …There are very few, if any, interactions between Prednisone and Alcohol. … there are some patients that can tolerate drinking alcohol while taking prednisone.
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