Can claritin cause gas

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    Claritin (loratadine) is an antihistamine used to treat allergy symptoms. … Tell
    your doctor if you experience serious side effects of Claritin including fast or
    uneven heart rate, feeling like you might pass out, jaundice … Could I Be Allergic
    ?Claritin D may interact with other medicines that can cause drowsiness (cold or
    allergy medicine, sedatives, narcotic pain medicines, sleeping pills, muscle …Oct 13, 2017 Learn about the potential side effects of Claritin (loratadine). Includes common
    and rare side effects information for consumers and healthcare …Aug 14, 2017 Claritin, a brand name of loratadine, is an over-the-counter (OTC) … The
    medication can produce many common, non-serious side effects.I have never noticed any side effects while using Claritin. It does not make me
    drowsy or cause dry mouth. Other allergy medicine does cause me side effects.Apr 18, 2013 Antihistamines: As mentioned in #2, Claritin, Zyrtec and Allegra are the allergy
    meds you can get over the counter that may stop you up.How does Claritin work and where is it available to buy? … likely to cause
    drowsiness than earlier first-generation antihistamine drugs used in allergy
    treatment.Claritin (Loratadine) is an an antihistamine used to relieve is used to relieve hay
    fever and allergy … It will quickly dissolve and can be swallowed with saliva.Histamine is responsible for many of the symptoms caused by allergies.Immunotherapy for Cancer · Yeast Infection Assessment · How Does Chemo
    Work? Managing Diabetes at Work · Living Better With Migraine · What Meningitis
     …Includes 918 patient rankings on scale of 1-5, comments, side effects, … been
    running and we were told that perhaps Claritin could help with the symptoms. …..
    Horrible bloating and gas that would rise into my chest and burning in my
    stomach.Mar 6, 2012 Sside effects of Claritin may include headache, nervousness, diarrhea, … Some
    of the most common side effects of claritin that will usually get …Sep 1, 2016 While it should go without saying that severe joint pain can cause serious … it
    makes sense for you to try another antihistamine such as Claritin or Zyrtec. …
    Since adding in too much too quickly can cause gas and cramping, …Apr 17, 2012 "I recommend treating the symptoms you have, rather than taking in extra
    medicines that can have significant side effects," says Richard Gower, …Oct 28, 2014 Singulair helps prevent the wheezing and shortness of breath caused by asthma
    attacks. Singulair can also help decrease the frequency of …… Medical Devices · Oil & Gas Litigation · Prescription and Over-the-Counter …
    Claritin (loratadine) is an allergy medication that contains antihistamines. …
    According to “How Allergies Can Wreak Havoc on Your Voice,”, a warning from
    Dr. … information relating to side effects and contraindications (including
    warnings and …Claritin Children's Chewables 5mg. Non-Drowsy 24 … Item. Qty; Qty. The
    estimated delivery time will be approximately 3 – 5 business days from the time of
    order.Jun 1, 2003 The first one suggested I use an anti-gas medication and Prilosec, but. … But
    certain antacids can cause burping because of the formation of air bubbles …
    You've probably heard about Claritin, one brand name for loratadine, …Apr 28, 2014 To find out if taking Claritin and breastfeeding is safe, I went to an expert in the …
    That sedation can be passed on to the infant and may cause …Jul 28, 2017 No drug — whether prescription, over-the-counter or herbal — can be … Gas aids
    like Gas-X and Mylicon are OK for the occasional relief or pregnancy bloat. …
    Claritin-D), especially if taken during the first trimester, may cause …

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